Thursday, 17 November 2016

Training plans and other commitments

I am probably known to a few people as a bit of a breenger. For those not so familiar with Scots language, a breenger is someone who rushes into things a bit, possibly without really thinking it through. Since I had breenged on ahead with signing up for a half marathon with only 10 weeks to go I thought I should act promptly and get myself a PLAN.

Cue the Google search. Lots of plans there, many of which you can pay for but wait, just what I was looking for, the free ones! I thought the Edinburgh Marathon half marathon training plan ( was a good place to start as my aim was ultimately to do the full Edinburgh Marathon the following year.

I could squeeze a 12 week plan into 10 weeks. Along with the tennis league I had signed myself up with a couple of months prior, a job, 4 year old son, husband and a house to clean. It would be fine!

Training plan was scrutinised and reproduced in my diary. I was so excited at the prospect of taking on this challenge! A bit doubtful that I would actually see it through in its entirety, but excited nevertheless! 

The thing is, the training plan doesn't exactly account for the unexpected things. Like when your car needs serviced and you have your 4 year old with you. You're told it will take 3 hours to get the car serviced and let's be honest, a 4 year old doesn't want to sit about waiting for the car to be serviced for 3 hours. A 4 year old wants to be entertained. And the nearest form of entertainment is a soft play, about a 20 minute walk away. The 4 year old doesn't want to walk for 20 minutes; he wants UP. So you give him a piggy back and when you've been for a run the day before the butt muscles are a bit tired and start to ache but you keep piggy backing through the ache because that's what you do for your 4 year old. 

I'm not really sure if piggy backing a preschooler around can be considered cross-training.

Thankfully the butt muscles recovered and I somehow managed (thereabouts) to squeeze the 12 week plan into 10 weeks, along with tennis, child, husband and job commitments. 

The house was and still is a pit, however. Something has to give. Let's be honest, in 5 years I'll look back and think: 'Cool, I did that half marathon'. I doubt I'll look back fondly on how clean my floors were.

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